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    The pharmacy

    Improving medication safety and quality is fundamental step to be an appropriate District Hospital. The mission of the Pharmacy Department is to promote that all of a patient¡¦s drug therapy is appropriately indicated, the most effective available, the safest, and convenient for patients. Our most important values are providing professional excellence in pharmacy practice, education and training, providing highest quality pharmaceutical care.


    Scope of Practice

    Outpatient Pharmacy services
    • Standardizing Good Dispensary Practice through ISO 9001 (2008 auditing)
    • Auditing dispensary with two dimensional barcode
    Inpatient Pharmacy services
    • Unit-Dose Drug distribution system
    • Applying automatic drug dispensary machine
    Drug information services
    • Answering patient-specific and general inquires regarding all aspects of medication use
    • Providing accurate, current, and unbiased drug information in the support of rational drug therapy
    • Responses are provided by phone, mail, fax, or e-mail
    • Available to healthcare professionals

    Drug counseling telephone exchange number 08-7704115

    Telephone extension

    outpatient pharmacy : 740 or 738

    Inpatient pharmacy : 743

    Emergency pharmacy : 312

    E-mail :drgdep@mail.vhlc.gov.tw

    Clinical pharmacy services

    which aim to identify, resolve and prevent drug therapy problem, include patient counseling, pharmacokinetic dosing service for the therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM), drug utilization evaluation, drug information service for medical colleagues, adverse drug reaction(ADR) reporting and monitoring, clinical intervention and prescription drug profile review, etc.

    Long-term care of pharmaceutical care for nursing home.

    Pharmacy staff

    Full time pharmacist 14 members


    • Medication safety education for people:outpatient and community people medication safety education
    • weekly seminars, monthly continuing education and training for the department
    • Term Resource Management conference:implement interprofessional collaborative practice.
    • 25-hours continuing education program for the community pharmacists.
    • We accept pharmacy students from Medical University and the College of Pharmacy i.e. the Tajen Institute of Technology etc.