The Midway Recovery Center focuses on group therapy with team medical treatment, supplemented by individual treatment.
- Treatments provided by doctors include symptom evaluation and medication, individual psychological therapy, group psychological therapy, medical seminars, family therapy, and so on.
- Treatments provided by nursing staff include medication training, health education seminars, daily life training (appearance, expression, and so on), family contact and health education, activity design, and environmental sanitation division.
- Occupational therapists provide services such as: occupational training, calligraphy group, painting group, music therapy, aerobic therapy, fitness activities, leisure skill training, working with plants, environmental beautification, karaoke, volunteer training, watching movies, and the establishment of workshops (laundry workshop, car wash workshop, resource recycling workshop, and cooking workshop).
- Treatments provided by social workers include social skills training, employment counseling, home visits, family therapy, individual psychological therapy, group work planning and evaluation.
- Treatment provided by clinical psychologist includes psychological feedback relaxation therapy, sleep therapy, individual psychological therapy, group psychological therapy, and behavior therapy.